Two paintings done with a bamboo brush. Going for value and rhythm. I've got two more at school I still need to put up, but I figured getting these two up sooner was better than nothing :)
My collage. By using only different values of blue, i was able to create unity within the collage. The collage looks like everything is supposed to be where it is, and everything works together. The shapes are all different and the edges are rough to make a dynamic composition. While the surfaces are are smooth, they appear to have different textures and that helps show depth.
My scale drawing. Done in pencil. Things get smaller as they go toward the bac of the picture to show depth and perspective. Also the colors are darker and images more detailed in the front to help s
First piece of actual art that I have done this year!
This is a painting of a magpie done in acrylic. Done on September 7, 2010.

Alright! So I got my new Weebly up and running :) I will get some new art up soon, as well as some of my older work. If you'd like to see the older artwork, feel free to visit my Deviant Art.